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5 mal im Jahr darf ein Gast spielen

Active members are allowed to play tennis on the courts with their relatives, acquaintances, friends, colleagues, etc.
In order to ensure a regulated gaming operation, we would like to recommend a few points to consider:
As a guest, you can play tennis at our club a maximum of five times a year, but only if you wear suitable footwear.
Please note that if the course is heavily frequented by club members, guests cannot play.
If required, we can also provide the rackets.
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Our trainers will teach you your first strokes

Unsere Trainer bringen Anfänger schnell die notwendigen Grundschläge bei.

Unsere Breitensportwartin Jenny Failenschmid sucht für Euch die richtigen Spielpartner aus.  

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Reservierungen erfolgen über GotCouts

Guests cannot reserve seats themselves.

When making a reservation in GotCourts, the member must list all guests with whom he is playing as playing partners, including their full name and telephone number or email address.

The guest fee per hour is €8.00.

The member who made the reservation is liable for payment.
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