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Damen I 2024

Lady I

SPG Gauingen/Hayingen -TVG 8:1

On July 14th, the women's team of TV Großbettlingen played away against the Gauingen/Hayingen team and suffered a 1:5 defeat. Despite the clear result, there were a few chances within the games for the women from Großbettlingen.

In the singles, only Therese was able to achieve a victory for Großbettlingen. She showed a persistent performance and won her match in two sets. Meanwhile, her teammates Laura 0., Jana, Madita, Steffi and Laura L. fought on the adjacent courts, but had to admit defeat to their opponents.

In the doubles matches, the Großbettlingen team also showed great commitment and were by no means without a chance. Nevertheless, these matches were also narrowly lost, so that at the end of the day Großbettlingen could only win one point.

TVG - TC Metzingen3  2 : 7

Am Wochenende trat die Damenmann­schaft 1 von Großbettlingen in einem spannenden Heimspiel gegen den TC Metzingen an. Die Spielerinnen Laura Ofner, Jana Haberzettl, Valerie Bühl, Ste­fanie Schmid, Madita Kilian und Laura Lazutkin gaben ihr Bestes auf dem Platz. Trotz eines harten Kampfes verlor Laura ihr Einzel knapp. Jana unterlag ebenfalls knapp in einem hart umkämpften Match. Steffi zeigte große Nervenstärke, ver­lor aber leider im Tiebreak. Auch Madita kämpfte bis zum Schluss und verlor im Tiebreak. Laura Lazutkin sicherte sich den einzigen Einzelsieg des Tages für Großbettlingen.

Laura Ofner und Bettina Böhm traten ge­meinsam an und verloren knapp. Stefanie Schmid und Madita Kilian kämpften tap­fer, mussten sich aber ebenfalls knapp geschlagen geben.

Linda Geray und Laura Lazutkin gewan­nen ihr Doppel und holten damit den zwei­ten Sieg des Tages für Großbettlingen. Trotz der knappen Niederlagen in den Einzeln und Doppeln bewahrten sich die Spielerinnen ihre gute Laune. Nach den Spielen gab es ein leckeres Essen und eine fröhliche Sommerparty im Tenni­sheim, bei der alle Beteiligten den Tag gemütlich ausklingen ließen.

Lady I

TVG - ETV Nürtingen 5:4

In position one, Laura Ofner showed a strong performance against Dna Julie Hammes from ETV - a player ranked LK 7 - against an extremely strong opponent, but ultimately had to admit defeat. Despite the defeat, her commitment and game were remarkable. Valerie Bühl fought bravely and played well, but was also unable to win. Stefanie Schmidt dominated her singles match and was able to record a clear victory, which earned the team an important point. Madita Kilian prevailed confidently and won her singles match, which further strengthened Großbettlingen's chances. Laura Lazutkin impressed with an excellent performance and also secured the victory. Verena Warin rounded off the singles matches with another victory, giving Großbettlingen a clear lead of 4:2.

The duo Laura Ofner and Marcela Haber-zettl competed against a strong doubles team and lost despite intensive efforts. Valerie Bühl and Laura Lazutkin also had to admit defeat, although they played and fought well together. Stefanie Schmidt and Madita Kilian showed an impressive team performance and clearly won their doubles match, which sealed the 5:4 overall victory for Großbettlingen.

Thanks to the outstanding individual performances and the decisive double victory by Steffi and Madita, TVG was able to celebrate a well-deserved overall victory. After the game, the victory was duly celebrated. This was followed by a cozy get-together with a delicious barbecue and a shared meal, which further strengthened the team spirit and ensured a successful end to the day.

Lady I

TC Dettingen/Erms - TVG 5:4

Im spannenden Auswärtsspiel der Damen 1 gegen Dettingen/Erms musste sich das Team knapp mit 4:5 geschlagen geben. Carola und Laura Lazutkin konnten sich beim ersten Saisonspiel deutlich gegen ihre Gegner durchsetzen. Auch Jana gewann ihr Spiel knapp im Match Tiebreak. Trotz starker Leistungen mussten sich Laura 0fner, Madita und Steffi geschlagen geben. Obwohl sich die Damen viele taktische Überlegungen über die Doppelaufstel­lung machten, konnten nur Laura Lazutkin und Madita ihr Doppel für sich entscheiden. Die Damenmannschaft bleibt trotz der Niederlage zuversichtlich und blickt mo­tiviert auf die kommenden Spiele.

TVG - SPG Bempflingen/ Neckartailfingen 1 4:5

On June 30, 2024, the women's team 1 of TSV Großbettlingen played away against Bempf-lingen/Neckartailfingen 1 and Neckartail-fingen. The team consisting of Laura Ofner, Carola Buchmann, Stefanie Schmidt, Laura Lazutkin, Valerie Bühl and Therese Pfann showed strong performances in the singles and doubles matches.

Laura Ofner had to admit defeat with 3:6 and 2:6. Valerie Bühl won confidently with 6:3 and 7:5. Stefanie Schmidt won her match clearly with 6:3 and 6:2. Laura Lazutkin secured another victory for Großbettlingen with 7:5 and 6:2.

Carola Buchmann had to admit defeat with 2:6 and 4:6. Therese Pfann lost with 0:6 and 2:6.

Großbettlingen was able to win three of six singles matches and so the doubles matches started with a score of 3:3:

Carola Buchmann and Laura Ofner fought hard, but lost narrowly with 2:6, 6:7 and 6:10.2. Laura Lazutkin and Valerie Bühl had to admit defeat with 0:6 and 2:6.

Stefanie Schmidt and Therese Pfann won their doubles match after an exciting fight with 2:6, 6:4 and 12:10.

Conclusion: The TSV Großbettlingen team won three singles matches and one doubles match. Overall, the team put in a strong performance and demonstrated great fighting spirit.

At the end of the match day, all players enjoyed a well-deserved spaghetti meal together, which provided a pleasant end to the day.

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