* No Mercy gewinnen Bettling OPEN * Jetzt für das Zwiefalter LK Turnier in Bettling anmelden * Meldung Hobby VM ab sofort möglich *

GotCourts Hilfe



In order to make reservations and receive notifications about reservations, each player needs his or her own email address.

If you are logging in for the first time and do not know the password, please write to theClub administrator.

For children and young people, there is already a user account with your email address that you use to correspond with TVG. You may no longer register your child, otherwise you will create a duplicate.



02  Kinder

If you have a child who has not yet had an individual email address registered in the membership administration, please inform theClub administratorthe new email address. He will change the user account and then tell you the password. If your child does not have their own email account, please create an alias address for your child in your email account.

05 Plätze reservieren

03 Duplicates

Dubletten sind zu vermeiden; Du bist Dein zweimal im System aber nur einmal als Vereinsmitglied (am * zu erkennen). Buchen Deine Freunde die Dublette so wird Ihnen die Gästegebühr berechnet.

So kannst Du die Dublette am PC wie folgt entfernen:

  1. Einloggen bei GotCourts bei Deiner Dublette.
  2. E-mail Adresse auf eine Phantasie E-Mail Adresse ändern
  3. Browserverlauf inkl. Cookies löschen
  4. Den Vereinsadminstrator informieren, die Wunsch E-mail Adresse in den Account einzutragen.
  5. Anmelden mit Wunsch E-mail und Initial Passwort
  6. Ändern Passwort 


How can I play with a guest?Who pays if I play with a guest?

The guest reservations are statistically recorded in a reservation list in GotCourts. The guest fees for your games with guests are collected by direct debit as part of the annual fee collection.

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