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Men 2 2024

Herren 2

TSV Betzingen - TVG  9:0

Strengthened by a win on the previous match day and the prospect of staying in the league, the Großbettlinger team traveled to Betzingen, the group winners. While Patrick Langner was able to take a set from his opponent, but unfortunately lost in the match tiebreak, the other Großbettlinger players were at least able to see their respective matches as a training session. Alongside Patrick, Samuel Geray was on a level playing field with his opponent and lost narrowly with 3:6 and 6:7. Anton, Markus, Jean-Patrick and Maximilian were clearly swept away by their respective opponents.

In view of the clear individual matches, the Großbettlingen boys were hoping for an honorary victory in the doubles, but this was denied to them. This did not spoil the usual excellent mood in the men's 2 team, especially since their team captain, Marc Weber, married his long-time sweetheart, Carolin Tröster, at the weekend. Marc, your teammates congratulate you and wish you and Carolin all the best for your future together!

TVG - TB Neuffen 5:4

In the third round of matches, a win was urgently needed against the first team from TA TB Neuffen in order to avoid relegation.

An hour before the start of the match day, the team was already warming up. This professional approach had so far only been observed in the first team, but it was to bring about the decisive turning point.

Our number 2 Anton Linke started the match day. With a sensationally good and consistent style of play, he scored the first points for Großbettlingen. He won convincingly with 6:1 / 6:3. A setback awaited us in the second match, where our number 4 Samuel Geray obviously had no player as his opponent, but a ball wall. Despite his greatest commitment and using all tactical means, he had to admit defeat with 1:6 / 4:6. Our experienced Markus Huber, who acted as a secret weapon at number six, achieved a confident victory. He won clearly in the usual long playing time with 6:1 / 6:1.

Number one seed Tobias Heinz was unable to organize his inner chakra in the first set and therefore lost unluckily in two sets with 0:6 / 4:6.

Team captain Marc Weber received a refresher from A. Beller at number 3 for his trauma, which he thought he had overcome. Endless rallies by his opponent with the "high to the baseline" style of play drove him to despair more and more. Ultimately, he lacked the pressure to be able to beat his opponent. He lost 3:6 / 1:6.

Our number five Tom Weishap finished the singles round, performing a miracle after being 2:5 behind in the first set. He kept his nerve, analyzed his opponent and played targeted balls into his opponent's weaknesses. This is how he was able to win the next NINE games. He won comfortably with 7:5 / 6:3. After the singles, the score was 3:3 and the tactics for the doubles line-up began.

The advisory circle identified the most promising pairings.

Anton and Marc played in the doubles. After a few initial difficulties, they found their rhythm. Thanks to Anton's strong net skills and the MP's strong serves, they were able to beat their opponents in two sets. Result 6:3 / 6:1.

Tobi and Samuel played high-class tennis, but had to admit defeat after a long fight and great rallies. They lost 3:6 / 3:6.

The winner of the day was therefore decided in the last doubles match. Tom and Markus initially got into trouble after a clear first set, but were able to get back into the game thanks to the Bettlinger ultra-front. With mental strength and good rallies they secured the victory and won 6:2 / 6:4.

It was done! Victory of the day with 5:4 against Neuffen! The first step towards staying in the league!

After the playful highlight, the Galactics were faced with another top performance. They were treated to sensational hospitality by the men's 40s. A variety of salads, side dishes and the best grilled food were served and gratefully consumed.

TC Wolfschlugen - TVG 8:1

Beim Auswärtsspiel in Wolfschlugen sollte sich gegen Mittag das Wetter verschlechtern, weshalb die Spiel­runden bereits um 9:30 Uhr starteten.

Patrick Langner auf Position 4  Aufschlagsperformance war schlecht so daß er in zwei Sätzen mit 4:6 / 2:6 verlor. Der an Nummer 2 gesetzte Mannschaftsführer Marc Weber musste sich gegen einen spielerisch besseren Gegner geschlagen geben. Trotz eines unvorherge­sehenen Comebacks im zweiten Satz verlor er im Match-Tiebreak mit 1:6 / 6:2 - 7:10. Eine Niederlage musste auch der an Nummer 3 gesetzte Felix Harmening hinnehmen (3:6 / 3:6).

Auch unsere Nummer 1 Nicolas Fardin ver­lor nach langem Kampf. (5:7 / 3:6). Von nun an mussten die Herren 2 vom TVG jedes Spiel gewinnen, um noch ei­nen Tagessieg erzielen zu können. Aber Maximilian Schlauch auf Position 6 verlor eben­falls in zwei Sätzen (0:6 / 1:6). Um nicht aus der Reihe zu tanzen, gab sich auch unsere Nummer 5 Jean-Patrick Wa­hn nach langem Kampf im Match-Tiebreak geschlagen. Endstand 4:6 / 6:2 - 7:10.

Trotz der niederschmetternden Einzel-Ergebnisse gaben die Spieler vom TVG nicht auf und wollten dringend eine zu null Niederlage vermeiden.

Dank der taktischen Aufstellung gelang dies auch.

Nicolas und JP bestritten das Einser-Doppel, mussten sich jedoch trotz eines starken zweiten Satzes mit 1:6 / 4:6 ge­schlagen geben.

Tom und Marc versuchten, mit dem Do­pingmittel Bier beim Seitenwechsel im zweiten Satz eine Wendung der Gescheh­nisse zu erzielen. Dies schien zunächst zu funktionieren, nachdem sie drei Spiele in Folge gewinnen konnten. Leider verloren sie dennoch mit 2:6 / 3:6.

Ein wahres Highlight war jedoch unser Doppel Nummer 3, welches von Felix und Maxi bestritten wurde. Vor einer an­gespannten Zuschauer-Kulisse wehrten sie einen Match-Ball ab und gewannen im Match-Tiebreak mit 6:4 / 1:6 - 13:11. Nun freuten sich die Herren vom TVG nach den Spielen auf ein Gyros vom Spieß. Sie mussten jedoch schnell fest­stellen, dass die Gäste, wie auch die zweite Mannschaft der Gastgeber, sich bereits kräftig am Fleisch bedient hatten, sodass es nur noch für eine kleinere Por­tion reichte. Dennoch war es sehr lecker! Mit dem Endstand von 1:8 verabschie­deten sich die Herren 2 von den sympa­thischen Gastgebern noch vor Einsetzen des Regens.

Herren 2

TVG - SPG Gauingen/Hayingen 3:6

Am Sonntag, den 23.06., empfingen die Herren 2 aus Großbettlingen die Gäste der Spielgemeinschaft Gauingen/Hayin-gen.

Da unsere Mannschaft, nach Protest von II Presidente beim WTB, noch rückwir­kend aufgestiegen ist, starteten wir die­ses Jahr in der höchsten Liga, in welcher die Herren 2 je gespielt haben.

Wir stellten uns bereits auf gute Gegner und knappe Spiele ein. Ziel ist der Klas­senerhalt.

Die Saison eröffnete der an Nummer 4 gesetzte Tom Weishap, welcher leider di­rekt auf einen starken Gegner traf. Hinzu kam, dass ihm bei vielen Bällen das Glück leider nicht hold war. Er verlor 0:6 / 0:6. Weiter ging es mit dem Herren 2 Newco­mer Jean-Patrick Warin aktuell noch an Nummer 6. Er legte einen nahezu perfek­ten Auftakt hin und fegte seinen Gegner in bester Manier mit einem 6:1 / 6:0 vom Platz. Klasse Leistung!

Der an Nummer 2 gesetzte Anton Lin­ke kämpfte meisterlich um jeden Punkt. Auch hier fehlte an diesem Tag das Quäntchen Glück für die entscheidenden Punkte. Er verlor gegen einen guten Geg­ner 2:6 / 1:6.

Leider konnte auch unsere Nummer 3 Fe­lix Harmening an diesem Tag wenig ge­gen seinen Gegner ausrichten. Er verlor 0:6 / 1:6.

A ray of hope came from guest player Patrick Langner, seeded number 5, who served like an active player that day. Thanks to his confident and good playing style, he was able to clearly beat his opponent 6:1 / 6:0.

Our number 1 Tobias Heinz finished the singles round and unfortunately had to admit defeat to the opponent's experienced player with 2:6 / 0:6.

After the singles, the score was already 2:4 for the guests. Heated discussions broke out within the team. We were faced with the task of winning all three doubles and had to play high stakes. Unfortunately, after looking at the opposing team's line-up, it was just a bluff by the Galactics.

We fought heroically for every point in the doubles, but had to admit defeat at the end of the day.

Anton and Felix lost 2:6 / 1:6 in the singles doubles. Tobias and JP also lost narrowly 6:7 / 1:6. Marc Weber (substitute for Tom W.) and Patrick were able to score the last points of the day. They won the three-person doubles 6:4 / 7:5.

Afterwards, we sat together with the friendly guests over beer and cheese spaetzle.

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