We had to play against TCN Neuenhaus in the last game with 2 wins and 2 losses each. So it was about 3rd place and we had hope because the first four players, except for Joachim Schreck, were available again. And Frank Weimer (4) started strongly and quickly took a 4:1 lead. Then his opponent changed his game and tried to throw Frank off track with high, long balls, which unfortunately worked. Frank missed too many shots and lost 4:6 1:6.
Rainer Ofner (2) was also unable to exploit his potential, losing in two sets 3:6 4:6. Our next singles players did better. Patient and confident as always, Walter Kölbl played at position one. He won the first set 6:1. Then his opponent got stronger and forced the tiebreak in the second set, but Walle held his nerve and won. Stefan Haberzettl (3) also had to fight hard, but he also won, albeit narrowly, 7:5 and 7:6. That made it 2:2, and the two doubles had to decide. Unfortunately, our batteries were empty, and neither Walter/Rainer (1) nor Steffen/Udo (2) had a chance, so we had to congratulate Neuenhaus on their 4:2 victory.
Am vergangenen Samstag ging es nach Kohlstetten. Bei über 30°Celsius und stark ersatzgeschwächt sahen wir uns sowieso schon als Außenseiter, aber es kam schlimmer als befürchtet. Hoch motivierte Gastgeber in Bestbesetzung gewannen alle vier Einzel teilweise ganz deutlich. Nur in den beiden abschließenden Doppeln konnten wir besser dagegenhalten, aber auch diese gingen schlussendlich verloren. 6:0 für Kohlstetten, ein gebrauchter Tag, wenigstens konnten wir am Abend den deutschen Sieg gegen Dänemark noch genießen!
We had the best playing conditions in our last home game against RSK Esslingen. Unfortunately, we had to do without our first and best three players for various reasons, which made things more than difficult. For our guests from Sulzgries, it was about promotion, so they were almost complete and highly motivated. No matter how hard we tried, neither Steffen (1), Frank (2), Wolfgang (3) nor Kevin (4) could win a set and lost by a large margin. There was nothing in the doubles either, although Steffen and Udo played well, especially in the second set. For RSK Esslingen, this meant promotion, while next week we will play for 3rd or 4th place in Neuenhaus.
It was actually supposed to be a home game. But constant rain prevented us from playing on Saturday, so we had to move the game to Pfullingen on Sunday. And it was a close affair from the start. While Rainer Ofner had problems with his opponent's unorthodox style of play at number two and lost 5:7 and 2:6, Steffen Haberzettl countered at number four with 6:4 and 7:6 and equalized at 1:1. Then Walter Kölbl (1) had to deal with Pfullingen's best player. He was a size too big and won clearly 6:1 and 6:3. On the adjacent court, Joachim Schreck had lost the first set (3:6), but then he turned it around and won the second set 6:3 and the match tiebreak even with a clear 10:2!
Nun mussten die Doppel entscheiden. Rainer und Steffen harmonierten hervorragend und gewannen zügig mit 6:3 und 6:3. Sie waren schon fertig, als im Spitzendoppel Walle und Joachim bei 6:6 im ersten Satz in den Tiebreak mussten. Und der wurde zum Thriller, ständig wechselte die Führung und nach Abwehr eines Satzballes konnten unsere Jungs endlich ihren dritten Satzball verwerten (10:8).
Den zweiten Satz gewannen Walle und Joachim dann 6:3 und sorgten für beste Laune im Team!
Gegen die SPG Gauingen/Hayingen starteten die Herren 55 in die Saison. Angenehme Temperaturen, aber ein tückischer Wind machte den Akteuren einige Probleme. Es begann mit einem perfekten Spiel von Rainer Ofner (2), der seinem Gegner keine Chance ließ und klar mit zweimal 6:1 gewann. Parallel dazu hatte Steffen Haberzettl (4) etwas mehr Mühe, gewann aber auch am Ende in zwei Sätzen 6:3 6:2. Dann das Spitzenspiel an 1.
Hier sah man längere Ballwechsel, die aber, wie gewohnt, meistens von Walter Kölbl gewonnen wurden. Walle gewann folgerichtig mit 6:2 und 6:3.
In the last singles, Joachim Schreck (3) initially had to face a strong opponent, who also lost ground. An illness that had not yet fully healed was the reason for his drop in performance. So we "won" the second doubles and were leading 5:0. In the last game, Rainer and Udo Böhm had won a strong first set 6:3. But the opponents fought back (2:6), so the match tiebreak had to decide. Here the guest was happier and won 10:8, the only downside to an otherwise well-deserved 5:1 home victory!