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WSJ ehrt Sarah Stoll mit dem "Viktor"

"Values such as teamwork, responsibility and fairness are very important to her and her focus is particularly on child-friendly training," said the laudation for Sarah Stoll (second from left). "She enjoys tennis herself and wants to pass this on to the children of the Großbettlingen tennis club from kindergarten age onwards. She is a real team player." Ten youth workers from all over Baden-Württemberg were the focus of the ceremonial "Role Models of the Year 2021" awards ceremony - including Sarah Stoll from TV Großbettlingen. The volunteers, aged between 23 and 53, were honored by the Württemberg Sports Youth (WSJ) in Stuttgart for their commitment to the children and young people in the sports club. They each received the Victor trophy and 1000 euros in cash. Long-distance runner and European Championship participant Alina Reh presented the Victor to Sarah Stoll. The sponsor was Detlef Bauer, who nominated Sarah. A jury including Peter Schneider from the Savings Banks Association, Minister of Culture Theresa Schopper and Minister for Social Affairs Manne Lucha selected Sarah from more than 200 applicants. Photo: WSJ

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VR Bank spendet 2.000 €

The TVG submitted the solar thermal system, which was installed in the summer, to the VR Bank as a non-profit project and was lucky. The solar thermal system was chosen from 75 eligible applications. The TVG received - like 16 other clubs - a donation of €2,000. After the old electrically powered boiler started to leak at the Mörike CUP, of all times, it had to be replaced. The board decided on a new CO²-saving system.

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