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Herren 50/60

Herren 60

Peter Norton siegt auf Pos. 1

Rolf Pfeiffer nach gewonnenen Match Tiebreak

TC Gruibingen - Men 60 2:7

The “Sixties” were able to compete in Gruibingen with their best line-up. The two top seeded players from Neckartenzlingen, Peter Norton and Hans Dieter Zapf, were able to control the game against strong opponents in every phase and laid the foundation for the 7:2 away victory with two-set victories. were able to take revenge on their opponents in the doubles. They had to admit defeat 11:13 in the match tiebreak. Rolf Pfeiffer and Detlef Bauer also had to go into the match tiebreak in their doubles. While Rolf won 10:3, Detlef Bauer lost 8:10. Sovereign Joachim Günther and Friedemann Henzler won two sets. After the score was 1:5, the friendly hosts used the men from the second row in the doubles. Our oldies didn't let anything go wrong and were able to win doubles 2 and 3 - at which Thomas Furin used came - play safely home.

Herren 60 - TC Metzingen 5:4

Einen glücklichen und knappen 5:4- Sieg errangen unsere Sechziger im Heimspiel gegen den TC Metzingen. Eindrucksvoll dominierten wieder unsere beiden Neckartenzlinger Kameraden Peter Norton und Hans Dieter Zapf, welche ihre besser eingestuften Kontrahenten lediglich zwei Spiele überließen. Rolf Pfeiffer bewies im MatchTiebreak Nervenstärke und wehrte erst zwei Matchbälle ab, um dann seinen zweiten Matchball zum 13:11 zu nutzen. Den vierten Einzelsieg fuhr Friedemann Henzler ein, der mit großem Kämpferherz nach 4:5 den drohenden Satzverlust im zweiten Satz noch in ein 7:5 umdrehte. Detlef Bauer, der sich schon früh im Spiel eine Zerrung zuzog, hielt tapfer bis zum Schluss durch. So mussten bei den Doppeln dann Wolfgang Melcher und Werner Gluiber aushelfen, welche mit der federballähnlichen Spielweise der Metzinger nicht klarkamen. Das Doppel 2 mit Friedemann Henzler und Martin Dolde konnte die souverän aufspielenden Metzinger Kämmerle und J. Cvetko nicht aus der Ruhe bringen. So lag es an Norton und Zapf im Doppel 1, den „Sack zuzumachen“. Zapf mit präzisen Cross-Schlägen von der Grundlinie und Norton mit butterweichen Volleys heimsten ein um das andere Mal begeisterten Applaus ein und tüteten den 5:4-Sieg ein.

Hans-Dieter Zapf gewann sein Einzel und holte mit Karl-Heinz das entscheidende Spiel.

TC Ohmenhausen - Men 60 4:5

On July 3rd, the original away game in Ohmenhausen could not take place because the courts had to be re-sanded after heavy rain. Rain was also forecast for the new date of August 7th, so the singles began at the same time on all six courts. The mutual coaching, which sometimes helped to find the way back to victory, could not take place. Peter - whose opponent gave up when the score was 1:5 - Hans Dieter and Rolf coped brilliantly even without coaching and won in two sets. In the second set, constant rain set in, which also meant that Karl Heinz, Joachim and Detlef had to give up their game in two sets. Detlef fought on increasingly slippery ground. His opponent let out a loud cry of relief when he converted the ninth match point. After the singles, there was a communal meal - steak and salads. The next morning at 10 a.m., they met for the doubles. This time there was no rain - in addition to numerous fans, the sun also looked out from time to time. Peter Norton and Joachim Günther won doubles 1 clearly with 6:1 and 6:3. It was clear that Ohmenhausen had strong doubles 2 and 3. In doubles 3, Bauer/Pfeiffer felt too confident after a quick 4:0 and gradually lost control. After 4:6 they pulled themselves together in the second, but the harmony was gone. So the second set was also lost 4:6. Everything depended on doubles 2, Hans-Dieter and Karl-Heinz. The two teams gave each other nothing at a high level and neither was able to pull ahead decisively in the match tiebreak. Our 60s only managed to do this with the last two balls after 8:7. After this equally lucky and deserved success, our 60s go into the four-week summer break as league leaders.

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