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Herren 40

Men 40

Men 40 - TV Neuhausen/Erms 2:4


Herren 40 - TV Neuhausen/Erms 2:4

Zum Auftakt in die diesjährige Verbandsrunde war am Wochenende die Mannschaft aus Neuhausen/Erms zu Gast. Bei bestem Tenniswetter wurde auf vier Plätzen mit den Einzeln gestartet. Es zeigte sich schnell, dass es eine zähe Angelegenheit werden sollte. Uwe Förder und Martin Schneider kämpften zäh mit den unangenehm spielenden Gegnern und mussten sich knapp geschlagen geben. Jürgen Geray gelang nach Satzverlust die Rückkehr ins Spiel, das er allerdings im Match-Tiebreak abgeben musste. Im Spiel von Daniel Failenschmid ging es lange hin und her. Daniel behielt aber mit Geduld und Ruhe die Oberhand. So ging es mit einem 1:3-Rückstand in die abschließenden Doppel. Im sehr hochklassigen Spitzendoppel von Uwe Förder und Martin Schneider ging es auch knapp zur Sache, allerdings wieder mit dem besseren Ende für die Gegner. Der ungefährdete Sieg von Daniel Failenschmid und Thomas Rosskopf im Abschlussdoppel war nur mehr Kosmetik. Endstand: 2:4 Im anstehenden Rückspiel werden die Karten dann in Neuhausen neu gemischt. 

Herren 30 - TV Altenriet 1     2:4


TVG Men 40- TV Altenriet 1 2:4

In the second game of this year's Corona round, the men's 40s went to Altenriet. After last year's experience, it was to be expected that it would be a close game. This was already apparent after the first two pairings. Martin Schneider fought back in a high-class match, but had to acknowledge the superiority of his opponent without envy. Daniel Failenschmid fared better. After a close first set, Daniel was able to win the game with a clear victory in set 2. In the top game, Uwe Förder fought his way more and more into the game and was able to score the next point with 6:3 and 6:2. Jürgen Geray met a newcomer in the active team in his match and had to admit defeat to the overwhelming opponent. With a 2:2 score, they went into the final doubles. Here, however, Uwe Förder and Jürgen Geray had no chance. In doubles 2, Martin Schneider and Thomas Rosskopf fought for every point. After an exciting match tie-break, the opponents came out on top with a score of 10:8. With a 2:4 defeat, but all in all after a good day of tennis, the team returned to Großbettlingen later that evening.

TV Neuhausen/Erms - Herren 40   3:3


TV Neuhausen/Erms -Men 403:3

For the start of the return matches in this year's association round, our men's 40s went to Neuhausen/Erms. After tough games and a defeat in the first leg, revenge was called for. As in the first leg, Uwe Förder had great problems with the completely passive style of play of the opponent and had to give up his singles. Martin Schneider fared better, this time playing his opponent patiently and with concentration and winning the first point for the men's 40s. Jürgen Geray's match was just as close as in the first leg, only that Jürgen had the better end this time. Daniel Failenschmidt, on the other hand, had to admit defeat in two sets, which led to the score of 2:2 after the singles. The final doubles went back and forth. Uwe Förder and Daniel Failenschmidt were able to bring their doubles home safely. Martin Schneider and Jürgen Geray were on the verge of wresting a set from the opposing top doubles, but unfortunately had to admit defeat in the end. With a 3:3 and a deficit of just one set, the points unfortunately had to stay in Neuhausen. However, there was a clear improvement compared to the first leg. At the end of this year's association round, the men's 40s will be expecting the team from Altenriet at our facility next weekend.

Herren 40 - TV Altenriet    1:5


Men 40- TV Altenriet 1:5

At the end of this year's Corona association round, the men's 40s hosted TV Altenriet. Severely weakened by vacation and injury absences, the men's 40s had no chance against the league leaders. Only the doubles team of Uwe Förder and Jürgen Geray were able to win their doubles match and score the consolation point. Special thanks to Frank Schwörer, who agreed to help out at short notice. The players were: Uwe Förder, Jürgen Geray, Bernhard Adam and Frank Schwörer.

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