16 participants were divided into groups of four to determine the quarter-finalists in the men's competition. Surprisingly, only two of the top four seeds managed to win. In Group B, Thomas Müller was able to steal the group victory from three-time club champion Marcel Müllerschön in a close three-set match. Two of the four juniors in the field, Tobias and Daniel Heinz, were able to win.
Kevin Kölbl then pushed Tobias Heinz out of the title race in the quarterfinals and in a 3-set match Thomas Müller.
The youngster in the field, Daniel Heinz, knocked three-time champion Marcel out of the competition in the quarter-finals after 11:9 in the match tiebreak and met Jannik Lia in the semi-finals. Jannik and Daniel played at a high pace from the start. Jannik maintained his level until the end and qualified for the final with 6.0 and 6:1. Jannik also survived the final against Kevin Kölbl without losing a set. In total, the new champion Jannik only allowed his opponents 16 games in six matches. In the match for third place, Daniel Heinz kept a cool head after a 0:6 in the second set against Thomas Müller and won the match tiebreak with 11:9
Mit 12 Herren war das Teilnehmerfeld der Hobbyherren so groß wie nie zuvor. Die drei Vorrundengruppen waren ausgeglichen besetzt. In Gruppe 2 hiess das Motto nicht nur Jeder gegen Jeden, sondern Jeder schlägt Jeden. Marco Koch konnte sich mit zwei Siegen für das Halbfinale qualifizieren. Hubert Wagner schied dagegen mit gleichfalls 2 Siegen aus. Der Vierte Halbfinalteilnehmer sollte der beste Gruppenzweite werden. Das schaffte Markus Fenchel, der im Gruppenendspiel gegen Ilkin Bananyarli mit 9:11 denkbar knapp verlor. Vorjahressieger Benni Adam komplettierte die Halbfinalisten mit drei Siegen über Niko, Roman und Simon.
Im Halbfinale könnten sich die routinierten Spieler Benni und Ilkin jeweils in 2 Sätzen durchsetzen. Im Spiel um Platz trafen mit Markus Fenchel und Marco Koch zwei Spieler aufeinander die erst im Vorjahr erstmalig zum Racker griffen. Markus setzte sich in zwei Sätzen durch. Im Finale dominierte Benni den ersten Satz. Doch Ilkin gab nicht auf und kam besser ins Spiel. Benni konnte aber den knappen Vorsprung mit 6:4 ins Ziel retten und wurde zum zweiten Mal Vereinsmeister bei den Hobby Herren.
Only six participants from the three men's 40 and men's 50 teams registered for the men's 40 competition. The "top players" were well represented. The semi-finalists were determined in two groups of three. In the semi-finals, the top players from men's 40/2 were able to prevail against the regulars from men's 40/1. Thomas IX dominated against Daniel Failenschmid in the preliminary round and Jürgen Geray in the semi-finals by just one set. After a hot fight, he lost the second set 5:7 in both sets and then, as his strength waned, also lost the match tiebreak. In cold, wet weather on the final day, Thomas secured third place on the winners' podium with a two-set win against teammate Christian Zeller; Christian had easily defeated Frank Schwörer in two sets in the preliminary round.
Jürgen Geray fought back twice in the final. After losing the first set, he won 6:0 in the second set. After 3:7, he won 8:8 in the match tiebreak. But Daniel Failenschmid was once again able to rely on his qualities as a long-distance runner and ball wall and won the title of Men's 40 Club Champion for the fourth time.
Vier Teilnehmer meldeten in der 60er Konkurrenz. Turnierleiter Detlef Bauer war selbstverständlich dabei und verlor in zwei Partien unglücklich im Match-Tiebreak. Nur gegen den Zweitplazierten Karl Heinz Neumann musste er eine Zweisatzniederlage hinnehmen. Joachim Günther war in allen Partien erfolgreich und wurde zum fünften Male in Folge Vereinsmeister.
In the women's competition, both Carola Buchmann and Laura Ofner won the generation duel against the women's 50 players Uli Werner and Tanja Heinz in the preliminary round. Two juniors faced each other in the semifinals. Jana Haberzettl powered against Laura Ofner from start to finish. But Laura always had an answer and forced Jana to make mistakes with long shots, winning 6:0/6:1.
Carola Buchmann needed a longer time to get used to the match against Anette Geray in the semi-finals. But she turned it up in the second set. Even in the match tiebreak, Caro was hopelessly behind at first, but fought her way back to 8:8. Left-handed Anette constantly blocked Carola's attacks with her backhand. She then scored with her forehand to win the match (10:8). In the match for third place, Carola was able to prevail against Jana Haberzettl in two sets.
Im Modus Jede gegen Jede ermittelten 5 Hobby Damen den Vereinsmeister. Csilla Fenchel die erst im Vorjahr mit Tennis begann zeigte mit 2 Siegen dass sich Trainingsfleiss auszahlt und wurde Dritte.
Die Titelverteigerin Marcella Haberzettl traf ungeschlagen im letzten Spiel gegen die gleichfalls ungeschlagene Tanja Heinz. Tanja Heinz gewann auch dieses Spiel nach Matchtiebreak und löste Marcella als Vereinsmeisterin ab.
In diesem Jahr nahmen 33 Kinder und Jugendliche an den Vereinsmeisterschaften teil. Erfreulich ist hierbei, dass die Gruppe der U10 mit 8 Kindern das größte Teilnehmerfeld stellte. Bei der U10 wurden die Halbfinalgegner in zwei Vorrundengruppen ausgespielt, sodass jedes der Kinder mindestens 3 Spiele zu spielen hatte. In Gruppe eins konnten sich Maximilian Schmidt und Philipp Müllerschön durchsetzen. In Gruppe zwei gingen Jona Roßmy und Laurin Fenchel an Platz 1 und 2 hervor. Im Halbfinale konnte Philipp gegen Laurin gewinnen und sich somit den Einzug ins Finale sichern. Zwischen Maximilian und Jona kam es zu einem spannenden Halbfinale, in welchem sich Jona im Matchtiebreak durchsetzen konnte. Im Spiel um Platz drei konnte Maximilian gegen Laurin gewinnen. Im Finale der U10 ging es mit spannenden Ballwechseln hin und her und Philipp konnte durch seine Ruhe und ballwandähnlichen Künste den Sieg einfahren.
The U12s played in the "everyone against everyone" mode. There were exciting games between all participants: Laura Rathmann, Elnur Bananyarli, Valentin Klein, Jona Mai and Franziska Heinz. Valentin was able to secure third place with 2 wins. It was extremely close between 1st and 2nd place. Both Laura and Elnur each won 3 games with 6:0 sets. Only in terms of games won did Laura have a better record and became club champion.
Not only did she become club champion in the U12 category, she also won the title in the under 15 girls' age group at the age of 10. Therese Pfann tried to take the wind out of her sails in the final. It was a final on equal terms. Almost every game had to be played out at deuce, and Laura often had an answer to this. In the match for third place, Jamie Adam won against Stella Rathmann with calm rallies. Amelie Adam and Finja Thiemens were defeated in the preliminary round after close games. In the U15 boys' category, Levion Tough confidently defended his title from last year with four wins in four games. Liam and Nils Pinteric came in second and third, beating Constantin Kreienbaum and Elnur Bananyarli.
Four players took part in the U18 junior girls' category. Here, too, all participants played against each other. The title from the previous year was also successfully defended. Laura Ofner secured first place. Therese Pfann and Linda Geray followed in second and third place after great games. Jamie Adam played well, but was unable to generate enough points for himself and so unfortunately did not receive a trophy. Five boys took part in the U18 junior boys' category: Anton Linke, Felix Harmening, Maximilian Schlauch, Christian Förder and Jascha Tough. Here, too, last year's winner was able to successfully defend his title. He was able to beat all four opponents. Felix only had to admit defeat to the eventual winner Anton and came second. Maximilian had an even record of 2 losses and 2 wins and came third among the juniors.
We would like to thank the large number of young people who took part and also the fact that almost all of the games were played. Only 3 games could not be played for various reasons. We hope for equally exciting games and lively participation next year.
Quarterfinals: Sat/Sun 10/11 September
Semi-final: Sat 17 September
Final: Sun 18 September