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VM Jugend 2022

Youth Club Championships 2022 Youth Individual Club Championships This year, 33 children and young people took part in the club championships. It is pleasing that the U10 group had the largest field of participants with 8 children. In the U10, the semi-final opponents were played in two preliminary round groups, so that each of the children had to play at least 3 games. Maximilian Schmidt and Philipp Müllerschön were able to prevail in group one. In group two, Jona Roßmy and Laurin Fenchel took first and

2. In the semi-finals, Philipp won against Laurin and thus secured his place in the final. There was an exciting semi-final between Maximilian and Jona, in which Jona was able to prevail in the match tiebreak. In the match for place

3 Maximilian won against Laurin. In the final of the U10, the match was back and forth with exciting rallies and Philipp was able to win with his calmness and ball-wall-like skills. The U12 played in the "everyone against everyone" mode. There were exciting games between all participants: Laura Rath-

mann, Elnur Bananyarli, Valentin Klein, Jona Mai and Franziska Heinz. Valentin was able to secure third place with two wins. It was extremely close between first and second place. Both Laura and Elnur won three games each with 6:0 sets. Only in terms of games won did Laura have a better record and became club champion. But she not only became club champion in the U12 category, she was also able to take the crown in the girls under 15 age group at the age of 10. Therese Pfann tried to take the wind out of her sails in the final. It was a final on equal terms. Almost every game had to be played out to deuce. Laura often had an answer ready. In the match for third place, Jamie Adam was able to win against Stella Rathmann with calm rallies. Amelie Adam and Finja Thiemens had to admit defeat after close games in the preliminary round. In the boys U15, Levion Tough was able to confidently defend his title from the previous year with 4 wins in 4 games. In second and third place, Liam and Nils Pinteric were able to beat Constantin Kreienbaum and

Elnur Bananyar-li durchsetzen. Bei den Juniorinnen U18 nahmen 4 Spielerinnen teil. Auch hier spielten alle Teilnehmerinnen gegenein­ander. Gleichermaßen konnte hier der Titel aus dem Vorjahr erfolgreich vertei­digt werden. Laura Ofner sicherte sich den 1. Platz. Auf den Plätzen 2 und 3 folgten nach tollen Spielen Therese Pfann und Linda Geray. Jamie Adam spielte toll, konnte jedoch zu wenige Punkte daraus für sich generieren und erhielt somit leider keinen Pokal. Bei den Junioren U18 nahmen 5 Jungs teil: An­ton Linke, Felix Harmening, Maximilian schlauch, Christian Förder und Jascha Tough. Auch hier konnte der Vorjah­ressieger seinen Titel erfolgreich vertei­digen. Er konnte gegen alle 4 Gegner gewinnen. Felix musste sich lediglich dem späteren Sieger Anton geschlagen geben und wurde Zweiter. Eine ausge­glichene Bilanz von 2 Niederlagen und 2 Siegen hatte Maximilian und wurde somit Dritter bei den Junioren.

Wir bedanken uns bei der Vielzahl der teilnehmenden Jugendlichen und auch dafür, dass nahezu alle Spiele ausgespielt wurden. Lediglich 3 Spiele konnten aus unterschiedlichen Gründen nicht gespielt werden. Wir hoffen auf ebenso spannende Spiele und rege Teilnahme im kommenden Jahr.

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